Penny Investments presents


Massachusetts’ Premier 8-Week Mentorship Program for Aspiring Real Estate Developers

Land your first deal and launch a prosperous career in Real Estate!

Done with the daydreaming and ready to start building your Real Estate empire?

Everyone wants financial freedom.

The allure of being your own boss, setting your own schedule, and establishing a solid financial foundation is universal.

But, let's be real, you've probably been burned by courses that promise the world only to leave you hanging.


Each module in our in-depth 8-week mentorship program is a goldmine of essential Real Estate do's and don'ts. We dive into all of the key topics, providing you with the essential information to supercharge your success and keep your peace of mind intact both during the program and as you venture out on your own.

And this isn't just theory—get ready for plenty of hands-on, practical experience, all made possible by our small class sizes that guarantee plenty of personalized support.

Andrew Litchfield, your instructor, and seasoned Real Estate Development Expert, leads you through his tried-and-true formula, the same one that allowed him to create the lifestyle of his dreams.

He's as invested in your success as you are because he knows the power of having a great mentor, the right tools, and a success-oriented mindset. Whether you’ve got some Real Estate experience under your belt or you’re a fresh-faced rookie, our diverse student community, hailing from various backgrounds and careers, is a testament that success in this program is within reach for anyone willing to put in the work.


Andrew Litchfield

For as long as I can remember, the desire to create wealth has been a driving force in my life—a passion fueled both by achieving prosperity in my personal life as well as a genuine love for contributing to causes close to my heart.

In my journey to financial mastery, Real Estate Development emerged as the path I was drawn to. My first deal was a two-family. I lived on one side and fixed up the other myself until it was ready to be rented out. Those early days were a crash course in the ins and outs of the trade—a full-time learning experience marked by risks, mistakes, triumphs, and an undeniable sense of excitement, brimming with possibilities and potential.

Along the way, I joined Real Estate clubs, attended countless networking events, and sought guidance from accomplished mentors in the field. As I dedicated myself to putting the time, energy, and effort into this venture, I watched my life visibly shift towards the realization of my ideal lifestyle.

Today, nearly 13 years since that first two-family deal, I've undertaken and successfully completed over 100 diverse projects, spanning from condo conversions and new constructions to single-family flips.

With millions raised in capital, I've created the lifestyle I always envisioned, a demonstration of the strategic approach I've honed and confidently share with my students.

That’s why I’ve created this program—because I’ve seen firsthand what’s possible and I want to extend the invitation for you to access that level of success too.

And it’s not just about the paycheck or the accolades; it's about the peace of mind that comes with creating generational wealth to sustain you and your family. Not to mention being part of a growing field full of opportunities to enhance not only your own life but the lives of others.

In this comprehensive exploration of Real Estate, we're leaving no stone unturned—and with both me and your classmates cheering you on, we’ll collectively hold the vision of your inevitable success!

Featured Student Review

It’s been a pleasure to work with Andrew. I’ve learned so much from him over the past 5 months that has helped me expand my real estate business. We have a great partnership and work well together. I completed a wholesale deal with Andrew and made $10K. I have another pending wholesale deal with him closing next month. We’re also currently partnered on my first fix and flip and we’re projected to make about $90K. It’s been a great learning experience. He’s very knowledgeable & gives his honest opinion. I look forward to working with him on many more deals to come!



IT STARTS WITH ONE Mentorship Program is a comprehensive 8-week course for passionate entrepreneurs who are ready to learn how to achieve financial freedom and the lifestyle of their dreams, taught by an expert in the field who understands what it takes to grow and sustain a successful Real Estate Development business in Massachusetts.


Lifestyle over Money

In Module One, the transformation begins by laying the foundation of your ideal lifestyle through Real Estate Development. It's about molding a life that's rich beyond measure, where success is defined not just by your financial portfolio but by the fulfillment and joy your life brings.

Andrew guides you in crafting a lifestyle others only dream of, grounded in your passions and your 'why'. It's here that you start developing a success mindset and building a supportive community that uplifts and propels you towards your goals.


  • Private Goal-Setting Call with Andrew

    Kick things off with a one-on-one session where Andrew helps you set clear, achievable goals that align with your dream lifestyle. This isn't just about dreaming big—it's about creating a roadmap to turn those dreams into reality.

  • Session with a Mental Block Psychology Expert

    Unlock your full potential with a session dedicated to identifying and overcoming the mental blocks that hold you back from success. Learn to recognize and break through your own limitations, and set the stage for limitless growth in your real estate journey.

  • Access to a Mastermind Network

    You're not just enrolling in a program, you're joining a Mastermind! This community of like-minded individuals will be your rocket fuel, as everyone's aligned goals and mindsets create an unstoppable force of motivation and success.

  • Develop the Mindset to Succeed

    In this module, Andrew focuses on the critical role of mindset in your success. You'll explore how shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance can unlock new possibilities and elevate your journey in real estate and beyond. Knowledge and experience will take you far, but having the right mindset will make you UNSTOPPABLE.


Building a Pipeline

In this module, you'll learn why having a pipeline of projects at different stages is crucial for financial stability and peace of mind. You'll discover how to balance your projects so that your real estate journey is a marathon, not a sprint.

We'll dive into the 'how' of building a pipeline through networking, cold calling, and leveraging off-market deals. With projects taking anywhere from 9-12+ months to complete, you'll understand the importance of having properties at different stages of development to ensure a consistent income flow.


  • Creating Your Property List

    Hands-on techniques for sourcing properties that will feed your pipeline and ensure a steady flow of opportunities.

  • Learn How to Develop Leads

    Learn the strategies to turn cold calls into warm opportunities, setting the stage for fruitful relationships and deals.

  • Cold-Calling Mastery

    Gain access to Andrew’s exclusive call script proven to build rapport with potential sellers, a key tool shared only in our program.

  • Building Confidence and Foresight

    This program goes beyond real estate, equipping you with skills in confidence, foresight, and strategic planning that are invaluable in any professional setting.


We Only Do Good Deals

Module 3 is built on the mantra 'We only do good deals,' a principle that Andrew emphasizes throughout the course. Learn to distinguish between bad, good, and great deals with precision, ensuring your real estate ventures are profitable and sustainable.

You'll learn why it's crucial to be detailed in your analysis, and we'll discuss the importance of being conservative in your projections, realistic with your ARV, construction budget, and timeframe, and cautious with hard money on larger deals.


  • Ideal Location Hunting

    Discover how to find deals in the perfect location for you.

  • How to Run Comprehensive Comps

    Master the art of running comps and knowing exactly how much to offer for a deal.

  • How to Make Accurate Projections

    Learn how to create 99% precise projections that guide your decision-making process.

  • Access to Andrew’s Deal Analysis Spreadsheet

    Gain full access to Andrew’s meticulously crafted Deal Analysis Spreadsheet, an invaluable tool for detailed analysis that he uses every day in his thriving RE Development business.


Deal Structure & Wholesaling

In Module Four, we'll unpack the essentials of deal structure, highlighting the importance of treating each project as its own separate business.

Beyond creating legal frameworks, Andrew also guides you through the dynamic process of wholesaling—from identifying lucrative deals to building a strong buyer's list—ensuring your deal is not only legally sound but also fully funded from the start, thereby avoiding the pitfalls of needing additional capital midway through your project.


  • Wholesaling: From Start to Finish

    Learn the step-by-step process of writing an offer, finding the right buyer, and closing the deal.

  • Deal Structure Essentials

    Discover how to structure your deals effectively, creating a separate LLC for each project to ensure financial clarity and security.

  • Building a Network of Buyers

    Develop a comprehensive buyer's list that will be your key to quick and profitable transactions.

  • LLC Formation Guidance

    Andrew helps you create an LLC for your newly formed development company which could save you anywhere from $500-$1000 in just attorney fees alone!


Raising Capital

In Module Five, we dive into the essential world of financing, exploring the diverse ways to fund your real estate projects. This module simplifies the process of raising capital, equipping you with the insights and tools needed to secure the funds you’ll need for your ventures.

We'll explore alternative financing options through brokers, the creation of an investor list, and provide a sample investor presentation to make your capital-raising efforts smoother. With Andrew's guidance, you'll learn to approach potential investors with confidence, transforming each meeting into an opportunity to offer value, rather than merely seeking financial support.


  • Understanding Financing Options

    Discover the differences between hard money lending and conventional financing, weighing the pros and cons of each to determine the best fit for each of your projects.

  • Mastering Investor Presentations

    Learn how to craft and deliver compelling presentations to potential investors, ensuring you communicate your vision and the value of their investment effectively.

  • Mindset Shift for Raising Capital

    Transform your approach to raising capital with a mindset shift that views potential investors as partners in opportunity, rather than sources of favor.

  • Leveraging Expertise

    Utilize Andrew's experience and credibility to bridge the trust/experience gap with investors, with the opportunity for him to join calls and reassure your backers.

  • Investor List Creation

    Build a comprehensive list of potential investors, a crucial step in securing the capital needed for your projects.

  • Sample Investor Presentation

    Gain access to a sample investor presentation that you can tailor to your projects, providing a professional and persuasive framework for your capital-raising efforts.


Condo Conversions + BRRRR

In Module Six, we dive into the strategies of condo conversions and the BRRRR method to maximize the value of your deals and build long-term wealth.

We'll also explore the BRRRR strategy (Buy, Renovate, Rent, Refinance, Repeat), guiding you through each step to effectively build your real estate portfolio with less cash. This module is packed with insights to help you navigate the challenges of competitive markets like Boston and make informed decisions for successful real estate ventures.


  • Condo Conversion Insights

    Learn when to convert a building to condos, considering factors such as area demand and zoning. Discover the detailed steps for a successful conversion, especially in high-demand urban areas like Boston.

  • Navigating the BRRR Strategy

    Gain a deep understanding of the BRRRR strategy and learn how to execute each step effectively, from selecting the right properties to renovating for maximum value and finding the ideal lenders for refinancing.



In Module Seven, we explore the lucrative world of zoning, a key aspect of real estate development with the potential to significantly boost profitability.

From conducting initial due diligence to understanding the step-by-step approval process, this module equips you with the strategies and insights needed to execute zoning projects successfully, saving thousands in legal fees and paving the way for a prosperous endeavor.

  • Navigating Decision-Makers

    Gain insights into how to get the support you need from key decision-makers, a crucial aspect of securing zoning approvals.

  • Cost-Saving Strategies

    Uncover strategies to complete zoning projects without the need for a zoning attorney, potentially saving you $10-50k per project.

  • Case Study Insights

    Benefit from a wealth of case studies provided at the end of each module, offering real-world examples and lessons learned so you can avoid making the same mistakes!


  • Zoning Due Dilligence

    Learn how to identify a great zoning deal through thorough due diligence, setting the stage for a successful project.

  • Zoning Approval Process

    Learn the step-by-step process for zoning a project in the city of Boston, including how long each step typically takes, saving you time and money.



In Module Eight, we dive into permitting in the city of Boston (and MA), a critical step in the real estate development process. This module provides an overview of the permitting landscape, highlighting the importance of understanding the nuances that can significantly impact your project's timeline.

With a focus on short-form vs. long-form permitting and the process of obtaining a permit after zoning board approval, you'll gain the knowledge needed to streamline this vital stage and keep your projects on track.


  • Understanding Permit Types

    Learn the key differences between short-form and long-form permits and when to use each for your projects.

  • Post-Zoning Permit Process

    Discover the detailed steps to secure a permit following zoning board approval, ensuring a seamless transition to construction.

  • Navigating Permit Timelines

    Get insights into the typical timelines for the permitting process in Boston (and MA) and how to plan your projects accordingly.

  • Historical Permit Research

    Understand the importance of researching historical permits on a property before purchase to avoid potential project delays.


  • Weekly Group Call

  • 6 weeks of mentorship calls with Andrew following program completion

  • The opportunity to partner with Andrew on your first deals (available for high-performing students)

  • Flow of potential deals through the program network

  • 2 Site visits to ongoing projects

REAL RESULTS from real people

We’ve had a police officer, fire fighter, union electrician, architect, financial field expert, waiter, real estate agents, a nurse, and brokers complete the program. No matter your background, if you want to become a Real Estate professional this is the course for you.


Total Cash Raised to Date $1,400,000

Total Actual & Projected Profits $1,430,000

Julian Hernandez

Deal in Jamaica Plain, Single-Family

10-month project

Potential Profit: $175k

Private Capital Raise: $225K

James Riel

Deal in Cambridge, Single-Family

2.5-month project

Private Investor raised: $175k

Actual profit: $51k

Justin Bier

3-Family + 3 Approved Townhouses

6-Month project

Capital Raise: $400K

Potential Profit: $300K+

James Cosgrove

Deal in Braintree, Single-Family

7-month project

Own Money: $100K

Potential Profit: $75K

Serge Desir II

Bought a legal 2-family, sold as a 3-family

2-month project

Capital raise: 350K

Actual Profit: $150k

Zach Feldshuh

Deal in Waltham, Single-Family

Capital raise: $150K

Equity Gained: $120K

Brian Kociuba

Deal in Dorchester, 2-Family New Construction

15-month Project

Capital Raise: $200K

Potential Profit: $240K

Clorissa McGregor

Deal in Braintree, Single-Family

6-month project

Capital raise: $120K

Potential Profit: $90k

Eric Zachrison

Deal in Dorchester, 2-Family

10-month project

Capital raise: $100K

Potential Profit: $200K

Featured Student Review

“I recently went through Andrew's mentorship program and couldn't have had a better experience, from start to finish. There were numerous awesome takeaways I had throughout, but for me and for that next person looking to dive into his program, here are 5 things that I valued most:

  1. A lot of the hurdles that people go through to get started are mental, so to start with a spiritually clear mind through various exercises was quite unique

  2. The training modules every week were very thorough in explaining from beginning to end how these deals work, with a clear path to success along with real case studies

  3. The group that you are in is very interactive offline and is a great way to bounce ideas off of each other and stay motivated

  4. Andrew himself is extremely responsive before, during, and after the entire program. To this day, his answers to any of my smallest questions are answered within minutes, and to me, that’s an important part of this

  5. The opportunities that he provides on his own deals for us to partner in even small ways is an awesome way to get your feet wet in development without overwhelming yourself

I went into this program not knowing a single thing about true real estate investing or development, and to come out with confidence and the tools needed to succeed was special.  I highly recommend for anyone looking to push themselves into the world of Real Estate investing and to learn from someone with great experience locally, to utilize Andrew and this program.”


STUDENT case studies

01. Isaiah

Isaiah was worried he couldn’t get the money if he found a great deal. With the right mindset coaching, he realized he was bringing a lot of value to investors and connected with one via networking. Isaiah set up a call with the potential investor and Andrew walked the investor through the entire process. The investor felt comfortable enough to be ready to invest $150k on Isaiah’s first deal.

02. Clorissa

Clorissa is a Police Officer in Boston, and she completed Andrew’s program. She targeted a probate list and found a great property, but she wanted help with the walk-through, and knowing how much to offer. She asked Andrew to come with her and they did the walk-through together. Andrew helped Clorissa negotiate the deal, and they ended up partnering. They wholesaled the deal and made $10K each. She re-cooped her investment in the program within the first month of completion, and now she’s got another wholesale deal lined up that will make $12.5K.

03. James

James is a Union Electrician in Boston. He got a property under contract with $10K off the asking price because Andrew knew the wholesaler selling him the deal, and helped negotiate a discount.


“When you put in the work and show up fully so much is possible. I’ve had students with no money to invest who found the capital to close their deals. I’ve successfully partnered with students in wholesaling, condo conversions, and house flip deals. I share my resources such as contractors, realtors, and brokers to help students succeed in their deals.” — ANDREW LITCHFIELD


“Andrew and his mentorship have helped me reach a place in my career in two short years that I could have only hoped for at the onset. The coaching program provided the framework and confidence that I needed to get started and feel like I belonged as a player in the real estate development world. I've already taken what I've learned and built a fundraising network as an avenue to partnering on projects, successfully raising over six figures from multiple investors. I cannot wait for many deals to come and to continue the path toward financial freedom through real estate!"


“Simply put, Andrew is the proverbial type of professional and mentor that you would want to ‘hitch your wagon to.’ Beginning my real estate journey as an investor in Andrew’s projects, he was and has always been open to walking me through the properties, sharing anecdotes, answering questions, and offering advice. Having now completed the classroom portion of the It Starts With One mentorship program, we are strategizing together on live opportunities that will serve as a launching pad for my real estate development business. I am confident that with his guidance I’ll be able to achieve my goals.”


“Andrew is a natural teacher and conveys confidence in not only the subject matter but also in his students to succeed in this space as well. Andrew not only guides you through the course material but also coordinates site visits to his projects at various stages, brings on guest speakers, and even provides real-life investment opportunities for the group to engage in at their own pace.

Since completing the course, I've made two offers and won the third on a single-family house in Cambridge with 3 great exit strategies all thanks to Andrew.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or brand new to real estate, this course will set you on a path to success.”


Eager to add your name to our growing list of success stories?